The text reads Yiddish theater academy, with old theater programs in the background
sillhouettes of three performers on stage, with a red curtain behind them

About us

The Yiddish Theater Academy offers a platform for actors, producers, directors, and theater enthusiasts to discover, preserve, and advance the rich heritage of Yiddish theater through classes, cultural events, and local and international performances.

Wooden Wars 

The Story “Wooden Wars” focuses on the lives of four young Catholics from modern Poland, each of whom changes forever when they discover that they might have Jewish roots. Sisters Zosia and Ania separate as one travels to America, converts to reform Judaism, and embraces her lesbian sexuality, while the other stays behind in Poland and marries a Chabadnik. Both come to speak Yiddish at home.

Wooden Wars 

The Story “Wooden Wars” focuses on the lives of four young Catholics from modern Poland, each of whom changes forever when they discover that they might have Jewish roots. Sisters Zosia and Ania separate as one travels to America, converts to reform Judaism, and embraces her lesbian sexuality, while the other stays behind in Poland and marries a Chabadnik. Both come to speak Yiddish at home.